
The reality of Earth
Harsh sun burns in weathered eyes
The shadowed solitude we live.

Soft moonlight drifts down
Illuminates her upturned face
Her soul dances, with silent grace.

Ancient monoliths of stone
Bear the constant icy shower
As do we, esscence bared.

The shocking plunge
Of fire into ice
Contrasts extreme, we merely stand.

Seemingly content to sit
The glacial faces, fit
Contain our inner fire.

From the inner self, to late
None else understand, we hate
We know what they do not.

Emotion, found far to late
Warmth never to be known
Our destiny is now.

Prophecies fulfilled, you see
Life and death cast out, to be
To live, eternal sorrow.

We wait, we watch, we bear all
The fires start to vanish
Souls burnt away to ash.

The icy haze of death
Short candle-lives
They hold no fear for us.

Tired now, we travel far
Detached from world around
Why can this, us, not end.

Refuge, once sought in shadow
Tentacles of living night
Essence trapped in endless void.

[Of the Triad]

-Shadowfire 4/(11-19)/99