Dialog Medly

This is like...various pieces of a conversation between Xan, Me Brother, and I. Chelsea was just like, writing down little parts of it on paper.. and it sounds kinda like a bizzare poem...and yes...this is a typical conversation between us.

I am psychic
She's got fish in her hair
It looks like a dungeons and dragon's manual
I'm anti-gremlin
Shannon, we don't care if it's great, ugly, or scary.
I wonder what they're doing
We need an atomic clock
OURGH!!!Your blind Xander!
...It's from smoking all that atomic pot
Is that, like, frightening
Archmage time
What are you writing on?
We need little GPS positioners...
Wow, this is, like...
Does it have roadmaps?
Ask what?
Or if we're in a rain forest..
Poor Bonnie and Clyde.