What day have you brought me?
I have opened my eyes, but I cannot see
This haze brought on by streaming tears
Brought on by hopes, by dreams, by fears
Unrealized, and yet, unbroken
Not-so-secret secrets, remain unspoken
And now I can't remember - what day is it?
And why doesn't this piece of the puzzle fit?
I thought it had been all worked out
Although we, still, were tense - had doubt
What will become of how we feel?
And how we speak, and touch, and deal
With everything we've yet to see?
What's to become of you and me?
And now I wipe my own tears away
Get up, insert cd, press play
Listen to the songs that make me think of you
Cry more - with tears, fresh and new
And smile. . .remember that night - that weekend - forever
And pray, somehow, this will get better.
By: Caitlin Sutton