Isn't this what you wanted to feel?
isn't this exactly what you had in mind?
the less you think about it, the less it hurts
but how can you just put those feelings away?
just push them to the back of your dusty shelf?
you have no one else to blame but yourself
You cannot deny the way you feel
but how can you go on living like you do?
hurting those you love with your selfish heart
I may as well be screaming at a blank, brick wall
you've become so despondent
so aloof--and brain-dead to me
Why did you think I would understand?
and why did you think I would let you go. . . so easily?
Because I won't
I care for you when no one does
I fight for you when no one will
I love you like no one else
But you're still shut up in your shadowy place
hidden and alone
isolated and afraid
yet safe, in your own right
because, although no one can get near enough to help you
they cannot get near enough to hurt you, either
Your heart has become so unforgiveably cold
your face drawn in lines so deep, so old
yet you have barely begun to live
you're already ready to give up on this life and move on
don't tell me you're sorry - I know you are not
and how can I help you if you lock me out
of your head, of your heart. . .of your life?
And how can you stand to sit, so dreadfully alone
in that dark, shadowy place?
By: Caitlin Sutton